Captura tomada de Instagram: @mygirlishwhims
Captura tomada de Instagram: @mygirlishwhims
Captura tomada de Instagram: @mygirlishwhims

Captura tomada de Instagram: @mygirlishwhims

Tras tomar unas merecidas vacaciones en Jamaica, Rebecca Grafton decidió que bajaría de peso.

Según destaca Cosmopolitan, la chica dijo contó que: «No quería mirar hacia atrás en todas las fotos de mi viaje a Jamaica y no poder recordar lo bien que me divertí porque todo lo que podía ver era qué aspecto tenía en las fotos «.

Al comienzo, la joven pesaba 119 kilos y en dos años, logró perder 45 kilos.

Para comenzar examinó las calorías que consumía.

«Comencé por examinar mis calorías, usando la aplicación My Fitness Pal. La aplicación me fijó objetivos de calorías, y yo seguía esos objetivos y también agregaba las calorías que quemaba del ejercicio. Eso funcionó para mí hasta que perdí 43 kilos. Luego cambié a un plan de dieta donde en vez de rastrear solo calorías, realizo un seguimiento de los gramos de proteínas, carbohidratos y grasas que como y tengo metas y proporciones específicas de cada nutriente «.

Después se dio el permiso de pecar algunas veces.

Cumpliendo la regla de 70/30 fue como la chica se dio los lujos de pecar a la hora de comer, y no dañar el procedimiento de comer sanamente, cuidar las comidas y darse buenos gustos como frituras o dulces.

Esta fue la dieta de Rebecca:


Desayuno: revuelto vegetariano de clara de huevo con espinacas y coles de bruselas ralladas, cubierto con queso bajo en grasa; yogur griego sin grasa mezclado con mantequilla de maní en polvo. «También tomo café con crema y azúcar».

Almuerzo: pollo a la parrilla con judías verdes asadas y zanahorias

Merienda: bagel bajo en calorías cubierto con queso crema bajo en grasa

Cena: salmón con un camote horneado y espárragos asados

Postre: barra de proteína de chocolate

Y para finalizar, Rebecca hacía ejercicio constantemente.

«Normalmente me ejercito todos los días durante aproximadamente una hora», dijo al portal citado.

#TransformationTuesday You get what you work for 👊🏻 Set your goal and FIGHT for it! The girl on the left had no idea she was capable of losing 100 pounds and looking like the girl on the right but she did know she was dedicated. A little motivation will help get you started, but dedication will keep you pushing week after week when you get tired of meal prepping, when the last thing you want to do is climb on that treadmill after work, when you screw up majorly one weekend and feel like you’ve ruined all your progress and giving up seems like the easiest option. Believe in yourself and your willpower: you are always only one choice away from getting back on track and fighting for that goal you want so bad, it’s worth it 🙌🏻❤️ #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossinspiration #weightlossmotivation #100poundsdown #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlosstransformation #fitfam #fitspo

Una publicación compartida por Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) el

#TransformationTuesday because no matter where I was on my journey: 246 pounds or 146 pounds I was never too ashamed to take a #sweatieselfie 🤳🏻 (This tank is available for sale until Thursday ONLY!!! Also comes as a tee – $19.99 and will ship in time for Christmas. Click the link in my bio to buy!!!) Was I completely confident in the gym when I was 100 pounds overweight? No! Did I know what I was doing half the time? No way! I still went though and I kept going until gradually doing the elliptical or a Zumba class became too easy for me and I switched to other workouts. I didn’t start working out able to bust out an hour on the stairmaster like I can now 😂 I started with workouts I liked and I could handle and gradually I got more experienced, tried new things, and stalked other people lifting things in the gym 👀 to get some sort of workout routine that worked for me. It doesn’t matter what you start out doing: no one is at the gym to judge you! We are all there just working on bettering ourselves no matter what stage of the journey you are on 👌🏻 So wether you are walking on a treadmill or busting out HIIT sprints – do what works for you and never be too ashamed to take a #sweatyselfie and share with the world that you are a badass who made time to fit in a workout when so many others just make excuses 🙌🏻 #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossinspiration #weightlossmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitnessinspiration #fitspo #fitspiration #100poundsdown #MGWMerch

Una publicación compartida por Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) el

It will be a journey, but it will be worth it 💪🏻 Same dress and same girl but during three different stages of my journey. Left was in 2012 before I even hit my highest weight of 246lb and I probably weighed around 225. Middle was in 2014 after recently hitting onederland and weighing 196 pounds. Right picture was taken last year after hitting and maintaining my 100 pound weight loss at 146 pounds 🙌🏻 It took me two years to lose 100 pounds but remember there is no timeline on your health: it’s you against you and wether it takes you 2 months or 2 years to hit your “goal” as long as you are working towards making healthier choices and being a better version of you, it doesn’t matter how long it takes! 💗 #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossmotivation #weightlossinspiration #fitfam #100poundsdown #fitspo #fitspiration

Una publicación compartida por Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) el

#transformationtuesday If January 1 was your day one or a fresh start on a weight loss journey: congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier you ❤️ It took me until January 16th in 2014 to feel motivated enough to start my journey at 246 pounds but I did it. I took me two years of hard work: of changing my diet plan, of working out everyday, of saying “no” to the extra treats and pizza at the office or wine on the week nights when I really just wanted to say “yes please” 😜 It was two years full of ups and downs, of successes and failures, but it was two years over all of never giving up and consistency and on my two year weight loss anniversary on 1/16/16 I hit my 100 pound weight loss goal 💪🏻 It can seem so scary and daunting at the start but eventually the workouts become a part of your routine, eating healthy becomes more enjoyable and the non scale victories and weight loss goals you surpass start to fuel your fire to keep going 👊🏻 Here’s to a New Year – I’m so glad I made the decision in 2014 to change my life and wish anyone who set the same goal for 2018 all the success – I know you are capable of doing the same thing too 💕 #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossinspiration #100poundsdown #fitfam #fitspo fitsporation #weightlossbeforeandafter

Una publicación compartida por Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) el

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